trans | figure

working group

Your feedback is always welcome.

about us

We are a collaborative of artists and publishers working at the intersection of information design and multi-threaded networked systems. We are interested in radical, open, non-proprietary forms of creative production.

We have a long history of using community-driven semantic web technologies to articulate and transmit layers of information across geographies and time. We share a belief in the promise of technological tools to build community in an accessible, human-driven, self-determined manner ::: a hypertext manifesto.

We explore the sculptural aspects of interconnected, polyphonic forms ::: webs, networks, trees, directed graphs, matrices, linear sequences, multiple paths. We resist the proprietary ownership of information space ::: the opaque, profit-driven hijack of creative work, journalism, and thought.

sample video

project support

trans | figure working group is funded by the blue window foundation for creative research.